Share Shopify reviews on social media

Sina Dabiri
1 min readFeb 22, 2022

FarOut allows you to simply share your hard-earned reviews on your social media pages at the touch of a button.

For doing so, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Reviews page from the FarOut left menu.
  2. Find your target review. You can either use the search box or filtering options to find your desired reviews.
  3. On the right-button corner of the review card, click on your favorite social media icon. As of now, FarOut supports sharing on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.
  4. If you haven’t already logged in to your social media, you’re automatically redirected to the login page. Otherwise, go the step 5.
  5. Now you see the preview of the post that you are going to share on your social media page. Revise the text or leave it as is.
  6. Share the post on your social media page.

For deleting or editing the post after sharing from FarOut, you should directly log in to your social media pages.

Share Shopify reviews on social media networks
Share Shopify reviews on social media networks

If you need any help for sharing your reviews on social media, please feel free to contact us or directly email me at We’d love to help you!



Sina Dabiri

Entrepreneur | Data Scientist | Machine Learning Engineer